Monday, April 16, 2012

in the last two posts, i took images of older women faces from a knitting catalogue and combined them with images of younger women faces from a victoria's secret catalogue, then i added my own drawn embellishments. this has probably been done hundreds of times by artists making a statement about beauty, aging, sexuality... i am not sure where my work is going with this and how this fits into the theme of HOME. i like the idea of combining facial features that don't seem like they would go together and trying to make them fit, or trying to come up with a new character based on a combination of unlikely features. i was particularly interested in the victoria's secret model, whose image i used in the last two posts. her nose is very prominent and as a nose by itself, it might not be considered appealing. then, again, maybe no one is looking at her nose...

1 comment:

  1. these are good, i like them. Victoria secret models have noses??
