Thursday, March 22, 2012

looks like i have been all over the place in my posts. sometimes i like to work that way. right now i need to settle down and focus on one or two things for a bit. for the next few weeks, i am going to explore drawing and painting faces. i will cut out facial parts from magazine images and match them up, or mismatch them, and use that as a reference in my drawing. also, my dog, lucy will be posting to her blog everyday. she will keep me on my toes and focused on my work.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

playing around with images of faces! for me this is very much about home. i love drawing faces and seeing the similarities and differences that makes each of us unique. i prefer, sometimes, to draw faces of people i don't know to eliminate the emotional connection component or the worry that the image i draw might not 'look like' that particular person. some of the images i drew are from combining features of more than one face.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

my work is about HOME. it has always been about some aspect of home. i have tried to make my work be about more esoteric things or bigger ideas, but home is really important to me, and i guess it's ok that i am not a deep thinker. so...i had these photos of orange peels that i cut and stitched together a few years ago to form the word HOME. today i played around with the images while practicing my photoshop skills and voila! i like the result.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

took a photoshop lesson today with my good friend, edwige...a master graphic designer and printmaker. she helped me refine my doodles from the previous post. maybe i will burn a screen with these images or just keep on playing with them.

Monday, March 12, 2012

doodles from a few weeks ago. i kind of like them. how would these images look in stitch?!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

my map making skills leave alot to be desired. i started at one point and ended at the same point, but was unable to link them up in my drawing. spacial perception. don't tell anyone. sometimes my lack of spacial awareness is an embarrassment to family members.

was very inspired by a lecture and slide show last night. decided to go back and start sketching architectural elements in my neighborhood, the way i did a few years ago. it gives me something else to do on my dog walks other than focus on whether or not i am the best dog owner on the block.

Friday, March 9, 2012

playing with the values in the quilt i am working on. i take a photo and edit it in black and white. then i stare at it for a while to see if there is movement in the piece. i added a darker piece below the black strip...i guess that would be considered the shape of a hut. i like that extra dark value.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

working on hand stitching this quilt made from used clothing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

making maps of walks with my new dog and recording her...ummm...personal habits. the photo keeps publishing up-side-down. iphoto is not cooperating with me tonight. will try and fix it tomorrow.

blind contour drawing with sharpie and watercolor! i accidentally dipped my paintbrush into my coffee instead of the water cup while i was making this sketch.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

big snowy day in portland maine. cleaned some of my studio. baked a delicious root vegetable meal